We need a new Crusade.

It’s too bad the current Pope is a pansy.

“Many killed,” churches burned as Boko Haram terrorists storm Nigerian town

Many” people have reportedly been killed by Boko Haram Islamists as more than 100 of the terrorists stormed the town of Garkida, Nigeria, on motorbikes and trucks with mounted guns Friday evening, firing indiscriminately and setting houses and churches on fire.


I’m pretty sick of Muslims Terrorists like Boko Haram running around killing Christians, torching churches, and being godless heathens in general. They need some Jesus that only a bunch of morally righteous and technologically superior modern Crusaders could deliver with direct and indirect fire.

I’ve talked about this before, there is no reason for Christians not to defend themselves.

Jesus is the Prince of Peace, not the Prince of Pacifism.

And before anyone starts shouting that I’m Islamophobic – I’m not. There are lots of peaceful Muslims. But there are way more peaceful Christians. Easily proven by asking the question of – When’s the last time you heard of a group of Christians going around terrorizing anyone?

(And I’m not talking about those Christians that appear on campus with signs and start screaming about how everyone within sight is going to hell… they’re a bit intense but not terrifying…)

Oh well.

Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:10

That being said.

DEUS VULT.  (God Wills)

We should all petition for the Pope to start a Fifth Crusade.

On a side note – Our old house went under contract in under a week and a half. We’ve been richly blessed the past years and we look forward to moving out from under two mortgages. 🙂 But that also means I’ve got to finish moving all of our stuff out of the basement and garage… yay…

As for writing – The cursor marches onward. The word count increases and the story line evolves as needed. Reader Zero (My Wife) is currently going over my rough draft to help me decide on which ending to use. Her feedback, which is the best feedback, has been awesome. Even though she thinks I’m a bit to ‘gory’ in my battle descriptions sometimes!

And for a third thing – Trump is going to dominate the election. I suspect it will be the largest majority landslide in history in the popular vote, and an electoral vote that will rival Reagan’s landslide. I’m calling it meow. I also suspect there will be a Super Majority of Republicans, and the next four years is going to be glorious. EXCEPT… except that I know Republicans stink at holding a majority. They’re like the ugly girl that won the pageant and doesn’t know what to do next because they never conceived that they might actually WIN. And they will waffle on spending, because they only care about spending when it’s the Democrats spending all the money. When it’s their turn, they do a terrible job as well.


Have a magnificent weekend.


Author: Erik 'Tracer' Testerman

Erik Testerman is a Marine Corps grunt, a competitive shooter, and an admirer of fine arms and armaments. He lives in the mountains of North Carolina with his lovely wife, two rambunctious children, and a slobbery English Mastiff. To learn more about Erik Testerman and read samples of his work, visit http://GunPowderAndInk.blog

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