March Update

Taming Prehistoric should be back from the editor next week according to the publisher.

Audiobook for it is already a go, I’ve just got to approve/make any final changes before it goes to TJ Clark for another awesome read. That’s pretty exciting. The kindle will hit first, then print a few days later, then audio a couple months after. Woohooo, lots to look forward too.

My WWII book, Codename Fortitude… Name doesn’t work because that was a real operation during WWII… sigh. Back to the drawing board. At least I wasn’t very attached to that for a title. This is my first book where I write in third person, after writing all of my previous three books in first person, it’s been a task to ride the learning curve of writing anew. I’m not sure that I like it though…

What else…

Covers! The new ones are up and available from Amazon and a bunch of other places online.

I just hit 100 reviews on Enter Prehistoric a couple days ago. Pretty cool milestone. It took me one year and one day to do with West of Prehistoric, this time I did it in 9.5 months. Awesome. Hope to beat that record on the Taming Prehistoric once it’s released.

In complete honesty, I’ve been dragging the past couple of weeks in writing. My word count has been pitiful. But here I am, butt in chair, fingers on keyboard, and it’s 7:30pm… plenty of time to punch the keys like they owe me money.

Thus, I am off to make some progress on the next novel.

Well, neato.

I just discovered ‘popular highlights’ on my kindle books. This option shows you what passages other readers have highlighted in their copy.

Pretty cool.

I like that line also, by the way.

And on a side note, have you ever LOOKED at the prices of Colt Peacemakers? Good heavens!

They ain’t cheap for something that’s almost a 150 year old design! They even cost more than most 1911’s that require far more machining and intricacies to build and operate.

What’s really fascinating, is that when they came out they could be bought for a single gold piece THEN and NOW. In 1873 they sold for $17.50, which was about a month’s labor, and a gold eagle (1 ounce gold piece) was worth about $20. Today, they sell for around $1799 according to Colt’s website and a 1 ounce gold piece is worth $1805 today.

Anyways, I want the 5.5 inch barrel version.

Colt, if you’re reading this… Hook me up.

Taming Prehistoric Artwork

Kind of a frivolous expense, but I’m continuing the tradition of putting cowboy and dinosaur art inside the book.

This is from the magnificently talented Lorin Michki of Drawn Fire Art.

Check out his site, he has some awesome artwork. I’ve a copy of his Four Horsemen on my wall in my writing area in the basement.

Well, ain’t that just beautiful!

The interior art for the sequel is completed. A major thank you to Adam Mathison-Sward who can be found at: usually doing Dresdan Files fan art and taking commissions to do totally awesome stuff like the picture below. I highly recommend checking him out.